

1 Timothy 3:8-10, 11-12 states that “the deacons must be grave, not doubled tongued, not given to wine, not greedy of filthy lucre; holding the mystery of the faith in a pure conscience, and let these also first be proved; then let them me the office of a deacon, being found blameless. Let the deacons be the husbands of one wife, ruling their children and their own houses well,… purchase to themselves a good degree and great boldness in the faith which is in Christ Jesus.”



If the prosperity of the church is in any degree, dependent on the prompt and effectual performances of the duties belonging to the deaconship, those who are appended to that office must know what those duties are. It is their nature, extent, and obligation. For all practical ends, we should as well be without deacons, as to have those who are ignorant, incompetent, or unfaithful. They are not only useless, but also hurtful to the church.

Duties of the deacons are also to:

  • Maintain the up keep of the church (empty garbage, change light bulbs, pull weeds, clean up, free debris, etc.)
  • Prepare sanctuary for service at any given time
  • Assist with communion
  • Collect all offering and tithes
  • Solve minor problems before reaching the pastor’s desk
  • Lead by example
  • Follow leadership
  • Pray for those who need it
  • Prevent as much unwanted stress on the pastor as possible.



All deacons should follow the leadership of our Shepherd and should always wear a shirt and tie when there is church service (Sunday, Tuesday and Friday)


Purpose Statement

The Reed’s Temple Church of God in Christ Deaconess Board is a ministry of the church that is comprised of a body of women. These women are selected by the Pastor to assist him in altar work, christenings, and in carrying out the ordinances of the church. Our primary function is to serve.


Deaconess Defined

A Deaconess is a woman of God that assists in the ministry needs of the Pastor as it relates to altar work and other ordinances and services of the church. She is a leader who exemplifies a holy life before God. She is a respectable individual who is reverent, temperate and not slanderous in her speech. She is a servant of the Lord.

Qualifications of a Deaconess

Pastor Reed, through prayer consideration, selects each woman who will become Deaconess. There are, however, qualifications that are necessary for a Deaconess to possess.

These qualifications are:

  • Living a life free of and separated from sin through repentance
  • Having experienced the cleansing of your soul through sanctification
  • Having experienced the baptism of the Holy Ghost
  • Being dedicated to prayer, study of the bible, and fasting
  • Being an example of holiness in conduct, dress, and attitude
  • Being proven of good works
  • Living a righteous life
Duties of a Deaconess
Assist Pastor in prayer lines
Assist Pastor in water baptism and christenings
Assist Pastor with communion and other special services as requested
Provide comfort and consolation at time of bereavement and at funeral services
Provide a forum for the women of the church to discuss pertinent issues and concerns (P.E.A.C.E Unit)
Provide individual counseling to the women of the church as requested (P.E.A.C.E Unit)
